Joy Unger
440-554-9164 • [email protected]
Joy Unger is a deacon in the Anglican Church in North
America who is passionate about prayer, teaching
scripture, and caring for the “least of these.”
Education + Ordination
- Bachelor’s In Music Education from Wheaton College (2009)
- Ordained to the Diaconate (August, 2017)
Personal Information
Meyers-Briggs • INFJ
Enneagram • 8w9
Clifton Strengths Finder
• Connectedness
• Empathy
• Intellection
• Responsibility
• Developer
Ministry Experience
(All Souls Anglican Church)
Intercessory Prayer Ministry (2016-2020)
- Oversaw weekly prayer ministry, offered after each worship service
- Trained volunteers in how to appropriately attend to and intercede for congregants’ needs
Bible Study Leader (2008-2021)
- Taught a variety of types of studies/demographics using prepared curricula as well as created curricula.
VBS Coordinator (2018, 2019)
- Led team of volunteers from two churches in organizing and running week long summer VBS program
Stephen Ministry Leader (2020-2021)
- Helped start up Stephen Ministry at the church, including recruiting of leaders and going through additional Stephen Leader Training
Assisting Clergy (2017–2021)
- Made pastoral calls to parishioners, including hospital and hospice visits.
- Preached and taught when asked