Andrew Unger

440-241-1765 • [email protected]

Andrew Unger is a priest in the Anglican Church in
North America who longs to invite people into greater
faithfulness in their walk with Christ.

Education + Ordination
  • BA in Youth Ministry from Moody Bible Institute (2007)
  • MA in History of Christianity from Wheaton College (2011)
  • Ordained to the Diaconate (2009)
  • Ordained to the Priesthood in (2012)
  • From Education to Participation: Youth Ministry in the Episcopal Church from 1961-1978” – Journal for Youth Ministry, Spring 2015
  • Two Marches for Lives” Christianity Today Online
  • Student Ministry in Coronatide” Anglican Compass
  • “Growing Oaks: an Anglican Way of Adolescent Ministry” (Co-author – coming from  Anglican House Publishers in 2021)
Personal Information

Meyers-Briggs • ENTJ

Enneagram • 9w1

Clifton Strengths Finder
• Communication
• Adaptability
• Connectedness
• Strategic
• Woo

Ministry Experience

Youth Pastor (2007-2021)
  • Oversaw youth ministry serving two (eventually three) Anglican congregations in Wheaton, starting with 7 students, eventually growing to 30+
  • Led team of youth ministry volunteers in discipling 6th-12th grade students
  • Built strong relationships with parents of students
  • Coordinated and led weekly youth programming, monthly fun events, retreats, annual mission trip, confirmation classes, student leadership and mentoring programs.
  • Frequently used creative spiritual practices to give students a chance to not only learn about Jesus, but to experience him in contemplative exercises.
Associate Rector (2016-2020)
  • Involved in Church administration and communication strategies (web design, weekly communication planning, policy decisions)
  • Frequently preached, celebrated the eucharist, officiated other liturgies
Priest in Charge (February 2020-2021)
  • Led clergy team during year of significant transition after the previous rector had to be removed from ministry
  • Oversaw the continuation of ministries during COVID pandemic, including establishing an online streaming service, COVID safe outdoor services, pivoted adult catechesis to online opportunities (including a weekly podcast)